Not available at this hour

Rom & Cola

129 kr

Ljus rom, lime, Cola
Not available at this hour

Vodka Redbull

149 kr

Koskenkorva Vodka, Red bull.
Not available at this hour

Jäger Redbull

149 kr

Jägermeister och redbull
Not available at this hour


129 kr

Sourz apple, vaniljvodka, 7-up
Not available at this hour

Gin & Tonic

129 kr

Gin and tonic
Not available at this hour

Vodka Tranbärsjuice

119 kr

Not available at this hour

Amaretto Sour

139 kr

Amaretto, citron, socker, bitter
Not available at this hour

Espresso Martini

139 kr

Kaffe, Koskenkorva Vodka, Kahlúa, Sockerlag
Not available at this hour

Ginger Lemonade

129 kr

Jägermeister Scharf, Äppeljuice, Ginger Beer, Ingefära, Citron
Not available at this hour

Jamaican Coffee

129 kr

Kaffe, Socker, Bacardi Spiced Rum, toppad med vispad grädde
Not available at this hour

Isbjörn 4cl

129 kr

Vodka, blå curacao, lime, 7-Up
Not available at this hour

San Francisco

129 kr

Vodka, Creme de Banane, Grenadin, Apelsinjuice
Not available at this hour

Sex on the Beach

129 kr

Vodka, persikolikör, tranbärsjuice, apelsinjuice
Not available at this hour

Moscow Mule

129 kr

Koskenkorva vodka, lime, ginger beer, bitters.
Not available at this hour

White Russian

129 kr

Vodka, Kahlúa, Mjölk
Not available at this hour

Rosa Pantern

129 kr

Likör 43, Grenadin, Mjölk
Not available at this hour

Aperol Spritz

129 kr

Apreol, mousserande vin, sodavatten, apelsin
Not available at this hour


139 kr

Bacardi carta blanca, Lime, Socker, Mynta, Soda
Not available at this hour

Raspberry Mojito

139 kr

Ljusrom, lime, mynta, hallon
Not available at this hour

Mango Mojito

139 kr

Ljus rom, lime, mynta, mango
Not available at this hour

Irish Coffee

139 kr

Irlänsk whisky, socker och kaffe toppad med lättvispad grädde.
Not available at this hour

Kaffe Karlsson

109 kr

Kaffe, Cointreau, Baileys, Vispad grädde
Not available at this hour

Lynchburg Lemonade

139 kr

Jack daniels, Bols triple sec, citron, 7up